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Tropical Enterprises
Dream Catchers > Leather Dream Catcher 4"
Leather Dream Catcher 4"

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Price: $4.50
Availability: in stock
Prod. Code: DCL4

Leather Dream Catcher 4" comes in Natural Feathers and many colors: Rainbow, Purple, Blue, White, Black, Tan, Brown and Cream

This Leather series comes in 3, 4, 5 and 6 inch size variations.

Tropical Enterprises

PO Box 80

Bovina Center, NY 13740

607 832-4559


We are SSL certified; (very secure). We are a NY State Corporation that has very strict rules regarding handling of Credit Cards and our financial interactions. Only 2 people (Neil or Nellie) are authorized to take, view and secure verbal or any financial information. Credit card information is NEVER put on a Computer. Only Neil or Nellie procees cards and data is kept in locked paper file. We NEVER use or sell any data for anything past your secure order.


email: sales@tropical4wholesale.com

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