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Tropical Enterprises
Dream Catchers > Leather Dream Catcher 5"
Leather Dream Catcher 5"

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Price: $5.50
Availability: in stock
Prod. Code: DCL5

5" Leather Dream Catcher with Natural Feathers

Leather Dream Catcher in this series come in 3", 4", 5" and 6" and this style comes in Natural Feathers.

5" come in Rainbow, Purple, Blue, Brown, Tan, Cream, Black and White (when in stock)

Tropical Enterprises

PO Box 80

Bovina Center, NY 13740

607 832-4559


We are SSL certified; (very secure). We are a NY State Corporation that has very strict rules regarding handling of Credit Cards and our financial interactions. Only 2 people (Neil or Nellie) are authorized to take, view and secure verbal or any financial information. Credit card information is NEVER put on a Computer. Only Neil or Nellie procees cards and data is kept in locked paper file. We NEVER use or sell any data for anything past your secure order.


email: sales@tropical4wholesale.com

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